 ... posted on Mar 31 2003, 718 reads
 ... posted on Mar 30 2003, 2,042 reads
 Jose Garcia was among 10 laborers, originally from Mexico, who went on a recent hunger strike for living wage salaries. He gets 45 cents for a 32-pound (14.5kg) bucket of tomatoes bought by American fast food giant Taco Bell. Many laborers make less than 80 dollars/week for seven days of labor.... posted on Mar 29 2003, 1,376 reads
 A nine-year study of the mortality rate among 21,000 adults found that those who attended religious services more than once a week lived up to seven years longer than those who did not.... posted on Mar 28 2003, 910 reads
 While the developed nations agonise over their GNP (gross national product) and we fret about the GST, "60 Minutes" reports of a place, perhaps the only place in the world, where the official government policy is GNH - gross national happiness. It's the tiny kingdom of Bhutan, where the government not only legislates for happiness, it also tries to protect its people from encroaching globalisation... posted on Mar 27 2003, 1,402 reads
 Consider a simple experiment: shine a light through two parallel slits and look at the screen. Quantum physics shows that a single photon (particle of light) can interfere with itself, as if it travelled through both slits at once.... posted on Mar 26 2003, 1,075 reads
Bursting Onto the Writing Scene  She claims she never rewrites or revises. Her first novel, "The God of Small Things," won the English-speaking world's most premier honor, the Booker Prize, in 1997! John Updike, when reviewing "The God of Small Things" for the New Yorker, compares her mind-boggling debut to that of Tiger Woods. Now, Arundhati Roy represents an international voice on many political issues.... posted on Mar 25 2003, 1,179 reads
 The Canadian Ministry of Fisheries and Oceans recently announced that it has authorized the killing of 975,000 harp seals during the next three years. ... posted on Mar 24 2003, 1,379 reads
 ... posted on Mar 23 2003, 850 reads
 When he talks, people listen. Because he's Dee Hock, founder of a 1.5 trillion dollar business -- Visa International. According to him, Visa's success was because of its "cha-ordic" structure. Hock coined the term chaordic to describe that perfect balance of chaos and order where evolution is most at home. Like the internet, the neural networks in our bodies and all of nature (snow flakes and ... posted on Mar 22 2003, 1,003 reads